Chaz Kraizer
Chaz Kraizer

I am a surrealist painter that is on a mission to create as much epic work as possible while I am alive on this planet. I would say that I am the opposite of a conceptual art as I believe that art shouldn’t be explained. All of my artwork is untitled and there is no story or meaning behind it.

For the most part when I create, I identify a theme of interest and then let the paint flow. I base every stroke off of the previous one and my creations almost subconsciously evolve.

I am not focused on marketability or public approval but have found that the pieces that excite me are well-received by my audience.

Although primarily airbrush, markers and spray paint, I work in many mediums, often mixing materials to see what the limits are.

Canvas, metal, large walls, vehicles, and even found objects that give my pieces a distinctive character, I will paint on any surface to enhance it.

More recently I have been diving into the digital realm to create artwork in photoshop, illustrator, zbrush, and mudbox with the purpose of creating concept art, toys and digital illustrations.

I am inspired by Nature, in particular the deep ocean, graffiti letter structure, and surrealism that communicates without being literal.

Although I have the ability to paint pretty things, I choose to keep my styles primarily vile and visceral.

I am dedicated to my passion and take my paint very seriously, I want to be the best artist I can and am excited to collaborate with individuals or companies that share my passion to shoot raw art into the publics veins.

I am a surrealist painter that is on a mission to create as much epic work as possible while I am alive on this planet. I would say that I am the opposite of a conceptual art as I believe that art shouldn’t be explained. All of my artwork is untitled and there is no story or meaning behind it.
For the most part when I create, I identify a theme of interest and then let the paint flow. I base every stroke off of the previous one and my creations almost subconsciously evolve.
 I am not focused on marketability or public approval but have found that the pieces that excite me are well-received by my audience.
Although primarily airbrush, markers and spray paint, I work in many mediums, often mixing materials to see what the limits are.

Canvas, metal, large walls, vehicles, and even found objects that give my pieces a distinctive character, I will paint on any surface to enhance it.
More recently I have been diving into the digital realm to create artwork in photoshop, illustrator, zbrush, and mudbox with the purpose of creating concept art, toys and digital illustrations.

I am inspired by Nature, in particular the deep ocean, graffiti letter structure, and surrealism that communicates without being literal.

Although I have the ability to paint pretty things, I choose to keep my styles primarily vile and visceral. 

I am dedicated to my passion and take my paint very seriously, I want to be the best artist I can and am excited to collaborate with individuals or companies that share my passion to shoot raw art into the publics veins.